1259. Ipomoea alba, a white blooming, fragile moon destined only to bloom for a single, lovely night. ~Natalie

In whispered song of shadowed pearl,
her lumened face now opened
for night’s cool embrace.
~Edited excerpt
from a poem, by David Mohn

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From out of twining, emerald leaves
what was at first a tight, small
small bud of green, emerges
a twisted spiral of white and green.

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Then wider and wider it
spreads until like a lady’s
handkerchief it opens.

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As the stars pop out one by one
in the heavens above the satiny,
fragrant, night-blooming
morning glory begins its reign
as sovereign monarch throughout
the entirely of night’s realm.

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Round like the moon, it mimics 
 the orb in the utter splendor 
of its fullness before it begins
to crumple in the day’s first light,

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But that it might be
cool enough to embolden it
to linger a little longer.

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The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor. ~1 Corinthians 15:41  ✝

**In the last photograph you are looking at a moonflower fully opened after first light because it was cool enough that morning when I took the picture. And I’m looking at it from the back so that you can see one of the small green buds behind it that it was before it began to untwist and open.

18 thoughts on “1259. Ipomoea alba, a white blooming, fragile moon destined only to bloom for a single, lovely night. ~Natalie

  1. I don’t know if I didn’t know about moon flowers before, or if I’m just starting to pay attention, but either way, I certainly had not seen the splendor of their stages of life as you have graced us with. These are exquisite!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bonjour prends le temps
    D’aimer,de rire,de pleurer
    De lire , d’écouter l’intelligence
    De penser ,de jouer cela rappelle notre enfance
    De rêver , surtout de vivre car le temps passe vite
    Et surtout le bonheur d avoir des amis ou amies
    Je te souhaite une belle journée , une belle semaine

    Belle semaine aussi à tes amis et amies , à ta famille et tous ceux qui de l importance pour toi

    Gros bisous.


    Liked by 1 person

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