Hold On (Or Just Be Held)

Anything is Possible!

Ayla holding clams in her hands (2)

Sometimes I feel scared about the direction the world seems to be going in. Some days, I see the goodness clearly. I work to support people working for positive change. I try to be the change, to let go of what I can’t change and change the things I can. I tell myself, I’m doing my part.  Other days, I want to pull the covers over my head in the morning and  watch Star Trek bloopers on YouTube in the afternoon.

When it’s hard to let go because worrying is so familiar, when we don’t know what else to do, we can look to the truth that has always been there for us. We can hold on to what is good and let the worries trickle away through our fingers. What is good remains.

A Pueblo Indian Prayer

Hold on to what is good,

even if it’s a handful of…

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