Amongst the stars

Peace, Love and Patchouli

The silence
deafening in its nature,
silky stars light the blanket
of midnight darkness
a thousand diamonds
hosting brilliant beams,
slipping me in to their warm cocoon
yet still cold I float
amongst the stars
searching for signs
of life.
Bluest of blue spread before me
and the movement of a small lizard piques the awareness
its breath a subtle in to out
as it watches me watching it,
his mission perhaps to sidetrack the mind,
turning my gaze back
knowing there is more to see
beyond the reality before me
dotted landscape drawing me in
to float in the ether
of now.
Ripples lull the senses
and the distant bird call breaks the air,
silence a word now passed
I listen for the sounds
of blinking satellites that slide before my eyes,
movement slow and steady
the red sky beacon breaks the beauty
and I reach out to bat…

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Be faithful in…

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Well it seems Monday’s surgery and the two subsequent sleepless nights from the killer migraine set off by the surgery finally caught up with me and completely zapped my energy, brought me to my knees sort of, and left me less than perky and chatty.  (Oh my gosh! Is that an awful sentence or what?! I’m embarassed to tell anyone now that I used to teach English!) Oh well, upward and onward! All I’ve done for days is to take it easy and take care of a mere few of the small things around here. I’ve been neglect with my blog and with seeing whet you guys are up to on yours. If being faithful in the small things is where my strength lies, then maybe that’s why tonight I felt up to this little update and the load of laundry I just started. I pray that all of you are well and hope to be back to being on top of my game, as limited as the game might be at my age, as well as back in the swing of things. Love, Natalie