My kind of Halloween!



Halloween is a classic example of “different strokes for different folks”!

Some Christian communities celebrate it as the feast of All Hallows’ Day: the beginning of the time (Allhallowtide) dedicated to remembering the dead particularly, the saints, martyrs and departed faithful.

On the pagan divide, Halloween is the witches’ New Year, the week of Samhain; a special time in the year when the living and the dead can easily reach out to each other, and a time for change and rebirth! To them, October 31 is the ideal time to consult the spirit world; the Night of Magic! Rituals and special exercises are prescribed to facilitate the process!

For the secular society, Halloween is simply another time for fun and commerce! A time for scary costume parties, playing pranks, guising, jack- o’- lanterns and other forms of weird entertainments.

In all these and other numerous observances, the discerning mind looks…

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The Grandeur of Life

Upward Bound

LandscapeA photograph may define
What man can barely see
The grandeur of creation
That sweeps from sea to sea.

As protegés they have no language
Nor tongues with which to impart
Yet each presupposes
The Master’s precious art.

In mountains there is splendor
From valley to mountain peak
With energy enough for sharing
With the depths of an ocean’s sweep.

While history’s lingering presence
Is allowed to have her sleep
Beneath the cool green surface
There burns a furnace at her feet.

Can compromise dare settle
The broadness of the breach
While the threat of death does simmer
Within the circle’s reach?

So must we search for light
To prepare for that great dawn
When life itself will come for perfection
To quell the circle’s brawn.

As symbols of life and love
They stand proud and ever strong
In patience they overcome
The problems that come along.

So follow the mountain’s…

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Just Write!

Lebana's Journey |Prose and Poetry|

Write until your sorrows turn into joys.

Write until your dreams turn into realities.

Write until your weaknesses turn into strengths.

Write until your hatred turns into fondness.

Write until your uncertainties turn into opportunities.

Write until days become nights.

Write until your black hair becomes white.

Write even if there’s nothing to write.

Write until it becomes natural as breathing.

Write until not writing makes you restless.


If you’ll not write now, when?


Copyright © 2017

Anabel Geneta-Raymundo

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An Emerald Pulse


Every evening an emerald pulse tumbles down the mountainside, spilling into long silhouettes that cradle the valley-lake it shares with geese.  The pulse of light and the honeylocust, deep waters and shallow, water falls, wet streams, red clay and fluttering geese –everything about this place is deeply rhythmical, hypnotic and magical.
Black Rock Lake, Black Rock Mountain National Park

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