60 thoughts on “Please forgive my…

  1. This may sound weird, but someone I know had her thyroid removed twice, because, it kept growing back!! I don’t think they really know enough about that little gland that causes so many unnecessary issues. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, but glad you are being looked after. My thought and prayers, as always, are with you, dear friend. Rest. We’re not going anywhere ❤

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  2. Dear Natalie, Sending healing thoughts and some energy over the airwaves, And I am adding your name to my healing book I hold a prayer for each day of the names entered.. Love and Blessings.. Just concentrate on your wellness… ❤ ❤

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  3. ten four on the not much fun!!! You were once again missed yesterday(Friday) at our monthly get together which is getting smaller and smaller in attendance. “At this age” it is getting very frightening to go to the doctor because it seems like they just find one more problem that we have to deal with. I keep you in my prayers and send love and hugs…

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  4. My precious friend, Natalie, So very sorry to hear your not feeling well and to add to that new issues. You never need to ask forgiveness to me……never! My heart hurts to read your message yet we all want to know what’s going on with you. Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I ask you to wrap your loving arms around Natalie right now. Please give her your power, your strength and your encouragement. Lord Jesus, I ask for healing in her body as only you can do. I ask you to breath air into her lungs as only you scan do. LordJesus, I ask you to comfort James Nikki and the boys. Encourage them Lord as only you can. Thank you Lord for what you’ve done in Natalie’s life, for what you’re doing at this very moment and for what you’re going to do in the precious name of Jesus.
    Natalie, please let me know what I can do to help you. Let me know when I can come and spend some time with you. Not to push you in any way. Just want you to know I love you and that I care. I’m a phone call away my longtime sweet, precious, friend. Wanda 817-688-8837

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    • Thanks sweet Wanda for the prayers and concern and the offer to help. This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure and if I called and tried to talk now I’d be crying so hard you couldn’t understand a word I was saying. But knowing that you care and are praying means the world to me. Maybe soon I’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel and we can talk! Love you so much❣️😘🌹xoxoxo xoxoxo


  5. I hope that benign mass continues to be benign and vacates. Interesting comment above about the thyroid that grew back. Our bodies are always trying to do their best. I’m proud of you for being assertive about your health care. It seems like it can become a full time job as we get older. But there is still much to love and enjoy. I wish you healing and abundant blessings. ❤

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  6. So sorry to hear this disturbing news. Your saga sounds a lot like my own, but as has been said, it seems to get worse as we age. But be strengthened by knowing we still have much to live for and enjoy! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with these new problems. Lots of hugs to you also!!

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