307. Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment. ~Ellis Peters


by Mary Oliver

I want to make poems that say right out, plainly,
what I mean, that don’t go looking for the
laces of elaboration, puffed sleeves. I want to
keep close and use often words like
heavy, heart, joy, soon, and to cherish
the question mark and her bold sister

the dash. I want to write with quiet hands. I
want to write while crossing the fields that are
fresh with daisies and everlasting and the
ordinary grass. I want to make poems while thinking of
the bread of heaven and the
cup of astonishment; let them be

songs in which nothing is neglected,
not a hope, not a promise. I want to make poems
that look into the earth and the heavens
and see the unseeable. I want them to honor
both the heart of faith, and the light of the world;
the gladness that says, without any words, everything.

Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind.  ~Psalm 66:5   ✝

**Photo via Pinterest

12 thoughts on “307. Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment. ~Ellis Peters

  1. Pingback: 307. Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment. ~Ellis Peters | Sacred Touches

  2. simple and sweet—I love daises and the poem so perfect–postive.
    We’re home—came a day early. I got sick as a dog last night, all night—food poisoning or something like the plague. I called Delta this morning, having been up all night, asking if we could switch our flight to this afternoon. For a nominal fee, yes—so switch we did—and I am glad. I hated cutting things a day short —it was rainy this morning and Gregory was really ready to go as he gets so nervous being gone from the store—so here we are—exhausted but home and eating Imodium as we speak —yum 🙂


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