828. …the sunny glow which brings it forth, soon slays with parching power. ~Alighieri Dante

…summer gathers up her robes of glory,
and like a dream of beauty glides away.
~Sarah Helen Power Whitman

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In Texas the fierce summer sun of August is not for sissies nor the faint of heart, be they plants or people. My great grandparents came here in a covered wagon from the east, and I’ve always said that had I been on that wagon and we had arrived in August, I would have either kept on going west or turned that wagon around and headed right back from whence we came.

For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant… ~Excerpt from James 1:11  ✝

**Image via Pinterest

13 thoughts on “828. …the sunny glow which brings it forth, soon slays with parching power. ~Alighieri Dante

    • Oh how I’d love a frosty night or two just to cool things down a bit. No, I can’t. It would have been awful in this heat to have all those kinds of clothes on! They were indeed true pioneers in so many ways. I can’t imagine living isolated on these prairies that rattlesnakes roamed wither. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, R. Hugs, N 🙂 ❤


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