921. Hooray!!!

I just finished up all the things I needed to get done while on my break from full throttle blogging, and so starting tomorrow, I’ll be back. I hope all has been well with everybody while I’ve been gone. Love, Natalie

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The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  ~Psalm 18:2   ✝

**Image above via Pinterest

17 thoughts on “921. Hooray!!!

    • Yes he did, Zee, and you are so welcome. I frequently quote Rumi. I didn’t relax as much as I got some things done that I had put off for way too long. I hope you have a great weekend too, my friend. Hugs, N 🙂 ❤


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