1045. No matter how much we try to run away from this thirst for the answer to life, for the meaning of life, the intensity only gets stronger and stronger. We cannot escape these spiritual hungers. ~Ravi Zacharias

Imagine, for example, birds.
When they look out at the world,
they have a sense that they are alive.
If they are in pain, they can do something about it.
If they have hunger or thirst, they can satisfy that.
It’s this basic feeling that there is
life ticking away inside of you.
~Antonio Damasio,
Professor of Neuroscience at UCLA

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 5.35.30 PM.png

I had such a longing for virtue, for company.
I wanted Christ to be as close as the cross I wear.
I wanted to read and serve, to touch the altar linen.
Instead I went back to the woods where
not a single tree turns its face away.

Instead I prayed, oh Lord, let me be
something useful and unpretentious.
Even the chimney swift sings.
Even the cobblestones have a task to do, and do it well.
Lord, let me be a flower, even a tare; or a sparrow.
Or the smallest bright stone in a ring worn by someone
brave and kind, whose name I will never know.
~Mary Oliver

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. ~Matthew 5:6  ✝

**Images via Pinterest; collage by Natalie

18 thoughts on “1045. No matter how much we try to run away from this thirst for the answer to life, for the meaning of life, the intensity only gets stronger and stronger. We cannot escape these spiritual hungers. ~Ravi Zacharias

  1. I stood by the window for a long while today–watching the birds struggle with the cold gale force winds as they worked so hard to fly to the feeders—the doves foraging underneath in the straw as the crows swooped in for the bread I’d thrown out. I somehow think they were relieved the snow we received was light—little do they know that they provide such a comfort when I watch them…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I love watching my birds too. I would love to be able to communicate to them how much joy and delight I get from their presence in my yard and at my feeders. I love watching them bring bits and pieces of stuff into the bird houses and am thrilled when I hear the peep peeps of the the babies. Then watching the mommas and pappas bring food and feet it to them is simply awesome. And If I find the occasional nest with eggs in it up in a tree or on top of one of my roses arches, I literally squeal out loud in utter delight. And you are so right, there is something so comforting in witnessing all that. Love and hugs, N 🙂 ❤


    • I knew it almost from the get go too, JoAnna. I absolutely adore her poetry so much so that I bought 4 new books of them today. I had know idea what a chimney sweep looked like and was so glad to find those pics on Pinterest. I’m glad you enjoyed them too. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Teri. Yes she does and sometimes it seems she’s writing what’s in my heart. And you’re right about birds too; they are great teachers and so fun to just sit and watch. Have a wonderful week. Love and hugs, N 🙂 ❤


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