1460. Hope is being…

Hope is being able to see
that there is light despite all of the darkness.
~Desmond Tutu

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Well-nigh colorless leaves tumble down today like lifeless birds in their final descent. Spiritless they lie upon the ground where they’ll preserve and foster life for that which lies beneath throughout winter’s menacing onslaughts. And so it is signs of life beget hope.

Gray are the heavens today and beneath are the lackluster emblems that foretell of winter’s advancing steeds. Yet a flurry of birds at the feeder flutter up and down, in and out bringing spirited animation to the lifeless remnants of autumn’s dwindling days. And so it is signs of life beget hope.

Brown, withered morning glory vines continue to hang from the arbor like the nebulous tendrils of a ghostly maiden. Yet these vestiges of the past Summer are hopeful reminders of life that will arise from their seeds in the spring. And so it is signs of life beget hope.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1  

**Image via Pinterest; text written by Natalie