27 thoughts on “Sit in reverie…

  1. You my love are the embodiment of love and inspiration, hope and beauty. The treasures you share, share in the beautiful pictures of your beloved garden, or others you find and resonate with, share in the quotes that you feel so drawn to and share with your heart, a heart that is in itself a treasure, are gifts that you give to so many. Thank you for you. ❤ I made you a little something. I don't believe you can play the music, look at the animation and read the haiku at one time from your phone, but that's okay, you'll eventually find all 3 pieces, the link's below. I love you so Bitty. xoxo



  2. Bonjour ou bonsoir
    voici mon petit message de ce jour
    Pour embellir ta journée ou ta soirée
    Où les mots ne sont que bonheur
    Pour une douce journée en douceur ou une nuit de rêves
    Avec tendresse et amitié
    L’amitié c’ est comme l’oiseau
    $i tu la laisses s’envoler
    tu auras du mal à la rattraper
    L’amitié est un joyau
    Comme les battements du cœurs
    Le bonheur, comme tous les délices
    N’est entier que lorsqu’il est partagé
    Je te souhaite une agréable journée OU soirée

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  3. *** 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 ***

    Hello friends of Natalie. As most likely know due to her post about it a few posts down (Called I Need), she has been in the hospital since March 26th. There’s been one complication after another, all very serious – and each of them leaving her poor body weaker and weaker with much to fight against. By the Grace of God she’s been able to endure and survive them all, but she’s now facing yet another challenge, without the others done with, and all of these challenges are quite serious. Also as most of you likely know, she has a very strong and devoted belief and relationship with God, with Jesus. I myself have a different type of faith, but no matter what our faiths are, their are many common denominators, the most important … Love. For those who have been following and connecting with her online, please, please, please, in whatever way you do, no matter your belief or faith, pray for Natalie. She needs an abundance of prayers for strength to endure all that she’s enduring with regard to the ailments, strength to endure all that she’s enduring with regard to the treatments of the ailments, strength to endure all that she’s enduring with regard to what many of these treatments are causing (other illnesses and issues), great strength to fight through all of this, healing for all that she’s battling, healing from the treatments they’re trying to heal her from all that she’s battling, abundant blessings and abundant miracles. If you’ve been following Natalie online, than you know that she is a loving being of strong faith, strength, kindness, compassion and all that is beautiful. She needs our prayers.

    Won’t you please join me in holding space for her and keeping her in your hearts, thoughts and prayers everyday, day and night, sending as much healing, loving energy as we can, in any way that each of us do individually? She’s fighting, but it’s all very serious and becoming a mountain I’m becoming concerned she may not be able to climb.

    With enormous gratitude and love,


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  4. Reblogged this on Anything is Possible! and commented:
    Please join me in praying for / sending good energy to Natalie. She’s been facing challenging complications in her medical condition. See Kimberly’s comment from April 4. If you haven’t seen Natalie’s blog, Sacred Touches, I hope you’ll take a look. It’s beautiful and full of inspiration.

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  5. n loving memory of sweet, precious, loving, beautiful Natalie. May her journey home have been paved with peace and comfort, and her arrival met with abundant loving light and warmth. (Rest In Peace – April 8, 2019)

    Natalie was in the hospital for 13 days. I spoke to her the first few days, then her daughter each day and night after that. It was a very difficult 13 days, for Natalie, for her devoted, heartbroken husband James, for her cherished and devoted daughter Nikki, for her entire family and many friends, and for me. Natalie and I fought her battle over the past year together, in ways that can’t be described in language, I was at her side the entire year, each day. On March 26, 2019, she had gone in to see her doctor with great tenacity, to put her foot down and find out what was causing all she was going through, and why nothing was working, she wanted answers and relief once and for all. She was immediately sent to the hospital after test results showed a serious illness, and it was one terrible thing after another once she got there. She fought so hard, harder than hard, but in the end her body was no longer able to. She passed surrounded by great love of those who loved her. I would never share even this small amount of detail about this, or any other part of her personal life on a public site, but since she did (a handful of posts below called “I NEED” – as well as others alike over the past year), I believe she’d want those who admired her, cared for her and felt blessed to have known her (and her them) to know what happened.
    She’s now home, with the Lord she loved so much. I will carry her with me each and every day. This life lost a beautiful Earth Angel. 💔

    Abundant prayers for strength and healing sent to her beloved family and dear friends. 💖

    Heart of Natalie 🌷

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    • Thank you so much for this update. I grieve for Natalie as if I knew her in person. But through her writing and beautiful images, we knew her heart and soul better than many people we know in person. I’m imagining her now in heaven’s garden.

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      • You’re so very welcome JoAnna. I struggled with whether or not I should have shared it, but I knew how many, and how deeply, she touched people … and how everyone would be waiting for an update about her health after her recent and older posts about it. Your comment was such a strong truth, I’m very sure for so many, as well as beautiful. Natalie absolutely shined her heart very loudly and genuinely through her creativity (site). She adored sharing who she was, what she loved and all she had faith in, and enjoyed the connections she made with people though this means for 9 years just as much. She was soft, kind, loving, witty, silly, grateful, encouraging, genuine and so much more, the list goes on and on. I love how you’re imagining her, I hope she’s frolicking in the midst of acres of meadows filled with her favorite flowers, surrounded by kitty cats and beautiful bird songs. WordPress and all of her affiliated sites are definitely missing an Angel. 💖🌷💖

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  6. Natalie posted this from the hospital. Imagine? That was so much her heart, and sharing in the way she did was such an important and joyful experience for her. Bless her in beautiful light, love, peace and joy eternally. 💖💖💖


  7. Here I am again my dear Bitty. It’s a bit hollow here without you, but I know … I know … I know that you would not only want me to express, but that you be delighted and delight in it when I do (when anyone does really). I’ve gotten more used to the phone without you, a bit less on Facebook, much less here … where our hearts first connecting through both our soul’s expression. You’re always near, I carry you in my heart. Such an inspiration and beautiful being you are, I still sit in awe that you were posting on this day, and from where. I love you mucherly. Travel blissfully my dear sweet Natalie.


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