
After I retired in 2001 from 31 years of teaching, I bought my first digital camera in order to capture on a daily basis God’s glory in the amazing beauty I was witnessing in my flower gardens. About that same time I started journaling snippets about my renewed faith journey, my garden, and the things I was observing in the natural world. Eventually I bought a bigger, better digital camera and began putting my photos and written musings together so I could share them with friends and family via email. Then last October with their encouragement under my belt, I took another step and launched this blog.  However, only a few weeks after I started my blog, I had a stroke, and to save my life a surgeon had to remove two clots from by brain. As a result I am now not only still alive, but the Lord guided his hands so that the artery walls were not damaged during the procedure. The Lord then blessed me even further because I have no residual physical or mental deficiencies from the stroke or the surgery.   So it was that after a brief period, I was able to begin writing on my blog again. Now even though there are days when I ponder whether anyone really wants to see my photos and/or read what I have to say, I keep posting entries because I want to bless Jesus in every way I can for His miraculous mercy and the new life He has granted me. It is my prayer that my photos and words serve and glorify Him and bless in some way all who see and read them.  Natalie

184 thoughts on “About

  1. Natalie, I came to browse because of a referral by dawnlizjones. I have enjoyed my visit. We share an amazing gift from the Lord – that of coming through an almost insurmountable health issue. I had my story on my blog but I messed up some stuff on my menu the other day and don’t have it posted – at least not where it was. My issue was a acute heart attack and aorta dissection while I was at a family reunion in Granby, Colo. It took about 5 hours to get me to a hospital in Denver (sent Flight for Life for me). Amazing how that could happen and I am as functional as before. I did decide at that point to find some way to contact and hopefully influence people. That’s when I decided to learn about this blogging arena. Your site here has so many beautiful things; mine is plain Jane, but I hope to be making interactive contacts. Have achieved much of my goal. I’m following.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for coming to look at my blog and choosing to follow. Yes indeed we are both walking, talking miracles as my daughter calls me. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. Blessings, Natalie 😊


  2. Pingback: *Knock Knock* – Life Confusions

  3. Wow Natalie what an experience you went through. God did have His hand in guidance through it all for you! It is a miracle He brought you through, and this blog is a thoughtful and beautiful tribute to Him. Your pictures are amazing! Keep up the great work!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Natalie,

    My dad had a stroke last May when he and my mom were RVing about 500 miles from home. We’re so thankful that he is doing much better now.

    I found your site from Deanna W’s site.

    Yesterday, I posted some memes on my blog that I’d love for you to share with your readers. I took the photos with my Nikon, which I am learning how to use, and I added scripture relevant to the photo.


    Liked by 2 people

  5. You were blessed by the hands of God. I’m not sure how I lost touch with you after you made a comment on my blog some time ago, Thanks to God you are back to being you and what a blessing that is for you and all who know you. There is a purpose for you now-, Only it is up to you to find that purpose and the reason that you survived the stroke.


    Liked by 1 person

      • I can only remember my daughter’s blog which I wrote for her beginning in the Fall of 2010 and I continued until about August 2011. I think she called her’s The Vet to Pet of Austin. She didn’t want a blog anymore because she was getting sick and her practice had gotten to be more than she could handle. It took 2 years of living hell for her to finally get a diagnosis of a variant of RA. She is now in “sort of” remission but is about to begin taking Enbrel again. She is not really able to work. It has been very hard for her and as her mother it’s just about done me in watching her in so much pain and depression.

        But back to the name. I’ve always called my blog Pets, People and, Life. I’ve got a little of everything on it. As they say “soup to nuts.”

        I love those gorgeous photos on your blog. Are you the photographer? The photos are breathtaking, especially the flowers.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I’m so sorry to hear that about your daughter! And as a mother I know how hard it is to watch our child suffer! I pray that the Lord would heal her and restore her health and wholeness‼️🙏 And unless I indicate otherwise many of the photos are ones I’ve taken! Thanks for the compliment. Hugs, N 😊❤️

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  6. This is so motivating to read this. I wish you all the very best for your endeavors. Life throws us one challenge after another (why I still have no idea… what is the meaning of all this??) But still this is the fact we can’t give up … and the least we can do is to move forward… everytime this happen.. thanks for sharing this..

    Liked by 1 person

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