

Sickness is my latest Paramore

She is more attentive

Less fickle

She sticks like late season honey to the insides of my fever dream

A purple moth with nectarine probiscis

She hears my chest rise and fall

Like carefully tilted chess pieces

Will release balance and find

Greater purchase in uneven defeat


I remain undefeated

As if by whim

A last horrah

Like a Rosy cheeked girl with retrouse buttocks

Tips her mirth at the crowd

Who in unisen rise

Fat, thin, butter fingered and pianist

To cheer her abandon

As I turn my hot cheeks your way

Facing one another in the skeleton of dawn

I see your need of me

So insate and thundering

And though selfish mayhaps

I entreat

Pick another

I spent much time unraveling

Yet I remain

Stubborn and glassy eyed

A drunk patient of witchery

Somebody without many pockets

Containing Combs and honey

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13 thoughts on “Skate

    • As do I! I adore Candice and she writes some amazing stuff that comes from the deep hurts in her. Just like the ones in you and me! So see what I told you about writing about yours. It tells people you are real and it opens doors to do God’s so well!!! Let’s both keep her lifted up in prayer. She needs them so much. I also email her to check on her and let her know that we car!!! Hope you are ok today and that you have a marvelous day!!!❤️❤️❤️ xoxoxo

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