
Things challenge my strength and positive attitude moment by moment these days but I’m hangin’ in and on because I trust that the Lord yet has some purpose in my being here still. I am currently not at all happy however with my doctor’s attitude nor seeming lack of concern about how I feel and/or the ultimate outcome. This last week she made a decision that caused my hemoglobin to plummet to a dangerously low number that could have put my life in serious jeopardy, and it has left me very weak even after the two blood transfusions I got on Tuesday. So since I still haven’t begun to feel a whole lot better and after my sister’s insistent pleading, I’m going to travel to Dallas on the 28th to see one of two doctors at UT SOUTHWESTERN who specialize in this thing called myelodysplastic syndrome to get another opinion.

49 thoughts on “Update…

  1. I’m glad to hear that. This has been dragging on so long and I hope that these new Dr’s are more up to date on care. Seems you’ve been getting only the basics with nothing to really get you comfortable.

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  2. I am praying for you dear sister. Remember, James 1:2-4
    When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a change to grow. So let it grow, for when our endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. This could be God leading you to the right healthcare professional. I trust He has the right people for you. Love and prayers. Shanell

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  3. I hear determination in those words. Your body may be feeling weak, but your spirit doesn’t quit. Your spirit rests in God’s loving arms and rises alive and well. I’m praying for your physical strength to return and your spirit to be sustained.

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  4. You have heard your inner guidance my lovely, and you are wrapped in healing love as you venture forth. When your body is so very tired, your spirit carries you on. Wrapping you in love, lovely Natalie. God’s healing love is felt for you in every practical stitch I make here. ❤ always. xxx ❤

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  5. Continued prayers from me, Natalie! UTSouthwestern is the BEST!!! I have been so pleased with the doctors that treated my shoulder. The nurses, technicians, and everyone are concerned about YOU and how they can help you feel better.

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