1326. You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret—you return to the beauty you have always been. ~Aberjhani

Light gives of itself freely,
filling all available space.
It does not seek anything in return;
it asks not whether you are friend or foe.
It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished.
~Michael Strassfeld

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Each day brings new opportunities,
allowing one to constantly live with
hope and the possibility of love—
be there for others—bring
love and light into their lives.
~Edited and adapted quote
by Roy T. Bennett

And with any amount of light, even the tiniest glow or spark, comes hope. Light, love, and hope! Where would any of us be without a measure of these three things? They are inextricably linked together and have been since the beginning of time! For light begets hope, hope inspires love, and love brings light. But…

Love does not find you,
nor do you find love.
Love is ever present…
When you are willing to open, to risk,
to adventure, to live with authenticity –
then the power of Love flows
through you and creates light.
~Edited and adapted passage
by Julie Parker

Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. ~Proverbs 15:30  ✝

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