Oh nooooooooooooo…

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I know those of you who live in places where it snows during the winter think I’m absolutely crazy, but we seldom get snow here in Texas where I live. And when we do, there’s usually not a lot of it and/or does it last for very long. Not only is a snowfall beautiful and fun, but it’s also a photographer’s delight because it does such lovely things to all that it lands upon. So even though WP’s snow isn’t real nor does it create any photo shoot possibiities, I look forward all year to the time when it starts snowing on my blog as it may be the closest thing to snow I’ll get to see all winter. Thus this lament, silly as it may be, spilled forth today.

**Image found on Pinterest; texts added by Natalie

1329. Life is a series of little deaths out of which life always returns. ~Charles Feidelson, Jr.

Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter
lies a miracle … a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb
opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl.  ~
Barbara Winkler

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Skies were gray early today, and it was cold, decidedly cold. Bare tree branches filigreed the heavens in brown lacy patterns, and up high in one of them, a neighbor’s pecan tree, I spotted a leafy squirrel’s nest. And as on other occasions I pondered how warm it could truly up there be as well as how the fragile looking nest manages to hold together in gusty north winds. However despite my lack of understanding about that, it simply adds yet another piece to my awareness of ordained purposes for fallen autumnal leaves. Not only are they used appaarently as nest building materials but they also protect and enrich the soil, provide nurseries for butterfly larvae/pupae, overwintering habitats for queen bumblebees and other beneficial insects and microbes as well as affording animals like frogs and salamanders places to hunt and hide, offering food for ground-feeding birds, and doing beneficially good things for the soil. That’s why nature’s tutelage never fails to reveal great insights into God’s heart and His grand plan in Creation. For who but a loving Father would not only create life but also build in ways to keep it nurtured and healthy. ‘Tis this that speaks emphatically of Divine design and what keeps me from seeing any validity whatsoever in a “bang bang” theory or the idea that “good or vibes” of fortune just randomly float in and around our lives from somewhere up above in the cosmos. Even if one were to believe that an ancient concentration of energy and matter expanded and exploded at some point in time to create the building blocks of the universe and life and matter as we know it, that still doesn’t explain where, how, and by what hand/means the concentration of such was in existence and/or from where and how “good or bad vibes” emanate. Everything in nature speaks of rhyme and reason, and that can’t be as easily explained away as it being irrelevant or it being written off to obscurity and anonymity. The past and the natural world yet and eternally whisper of a holy Creator!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. ~Genesis 1:1  ✝

**Photo by Natalie


Wings Of Poetry

Crossing#Daily Prompt#Attempt 45

Stop Crossing my dreams
And thoughts
I’m trying to get over
This part
My life wants to rest
In peace
The flames of pain need
To be ceased
I’m trying to smooth
All the crease
Of crumbled heart
After your flee
My new love is
My solitude
I’m learning to accept
All its rules
Crossing of memories
Work as fuel
And keep burning
My love for you
Breaking every law
Of solitude
So stop crossingmy dreams
And thoughts
I’m trying to get over
This part…

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